What’s Up With the New ABC’s of Selling?

According to Dan Pink, bestselling author of To Sell is Human, there is a new ABC we should all know when it comes to sales. We have been drilled on Always Be Closing, but Pink argues we should know the ABC’s of selling as Attunement, Buoyancy, and Clarity. Let’s find out what Pink really means by these new ABC’s.


Attunement. Today’s sales is not about just making a close. It’s about understanding the customer to provide them with the best product. Pink argues that learning your customer’s perspective is one of the most important things you can do. You must listen to your customers to know what they need, a simple idea that many salespeople fail to do. Listen and consider feedback to stay attuned to each situation.


Buoyancy. “Sales is an ocean, not a pond” says Pink. As a salesperson, you hear no all the time so you need to get used to it. Don’t take it personally and move on. Rejection is inevitable, the key is how to properly handle it. Ask questions on how to improve for the next time but then keep going- rejection is only temporary.


Clarity. Be open with customers and clearly explain how your product will be benefit them. You are more likely to sell someone on your product if there is good communication. In the technology age, people are bogged down with information, the last thing someone wants to hear is an ambiguous salesperson. Aim to be transparent and honest with a potential costumer, and you will be more successful.


With the rise of the Internet and the slow death of door-to-door sales, salespeople must focus on non-sales selling. Pink defines this as how we persuade others, and says that the Always Be Closing rule is outdated. Understanding how to effectively move people is one of the most important skills you can have.


Make it a habit to incorporate these ABC’s in every aspect of sales. Whether you are selling a tangible product, or selling yourself to a new employer, it is important to remember Pink’s sales techniques. Pink offers some exercises to practice using the new ABC’s that you can find here.
Attunement, Buoyancy, Clarity. Remember the three keys to being successful in all type of sales!


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