Four Easy Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

My neighbor has a gorgeous yard filled with tall oak trees and lush greenery in every nook and corner. When I complimented her on how great it looks, she said it was all because of her landscaper.

A few weeks later, a small box truck was parked beside of her house. A rake and a leaf blower was sitting nearby, and a man was mowing the lawn. I looked for a name on the truck, but I didn’t see anything. It was just a stark white box on wheels. I assumed it was the landscaper she mentioned, but I couldn’t be sure.

Here was a landscaper doing a job that showcased his amazing work, but no one would know it. He was missing out on an easy marketing opportunity. A simple decal or magnet on the side of his truck would advertise his company, not only when he’s parked near the beautiful yards he creates, but also when he’s driving around town or sitting at a stop light.

Have you missed out on easy ways to market your business? Take a few minutes to think about things you can do that you may have overlooked. Here are four ideas to get you started:

1.  Offer a lesson in what you do. You can write a “how to” blog or create a video for your website, or set up a hands-on workshop. If you don’t have the space, check with your local community college or parks and recreation department. They often let professionals teach classes to the community, and you may even get paid for it.

Example: If you have a photography business, write a blog or teach a class on how to take good photos with an iPhone.

2. Sponsor a local event. If you have an advertising budget, allocate some of those funds toward a sponsorship of an event. Depending on your commitment level, your company’s name may appear on the event promos, signs and swag. Some may even offer sponsorships in exchange for your goods or services.

Example: If you work as a massage therapist, sponsor a charity 5k race. Who couldn’t use a massage after running?

3. Have a contest on social media. Everyone loves to share their ideas and photos for the opportunity to win a prize. Create a contest on Facebook that allows followers to submit their idea or photo for a chance to win a product or service from your company.

Example: If you have a pet sitting company, ask followers to post their favorite photos of their fur babies for a chance to win a gift certificate for your services.

4. Join a networking group in your industry. If there isn’t one in your area, create your own. Being a part of a group within your industry can help you learn more about the business and make connections that could generate leads.

Example: The Triangle Marketing Club was started by a couple of guys having coffee, and now it’s grown to over 2,500 members.

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