February Recap Blog

February Recap Blog

On February 27th, Triangle Marketing Club hosted Lia Reich, Vice President of Marketing and Communications of PrecisionHawk. To begin the night one of our sponsors, Live Nation of The Carolina’s Region hosted a give away for summer concert tickets in Raleigh. Following this, Zonkd, provided their Better Well Known pitch and was able to connect...

Branding: How Logos Have Changed Over Time

Branding: How Logos Have Changed Over Time

What do you think of when you hear… Toms Shoes? Or Chipotle? What about Kodak? Did anything negative come to mind? How do you feel when you think of those companies? What we perceive about a particular product or service is ultimately what shapes our buying behaviors. With such a wide assortment of products and...

TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Laurie Ruettimann

TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Laurie Ruettimann

Triangle Marketing Club is kicking off another year with more talented speakers, creative projects and developments, interesting discussion, and of course – lots of networking! There is so much to look forward to in 2018, and it all starts with our first meetup of the year on Tuesday, January 30th. Laurie Ruettimann, an influential speaker,...

TMC August Recap: Christoph Trappe

TMC August Recap: Christoph Trappe

Triangle Marketing Club brings people together once a month for marketing insight from national speakers, interactive presentations, and great conversation! Last Tuesday night, TMC hosted another successful event filled with… Springboard Promotions and LiveNation Giveaways  Refreshing Craft Beer  Storytelling with Christoph Trappe Lots of networking, and… Emojis  Every event leaves those in attendance with valuable...

TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Christoph Trappe

TMC Speaker Interview Featuring Christoph Trappe

Triangle Marketing Club is excited to host Christoph Trappe, career storyteller and global keynote speaker. Christoph will speak at our next event on August 22nd! His interactive presentation will bring us insight on crafting the right story to bring your marketing efforts to life. The Interview  Before every event, we conduct an interview with the speaker to bring our members some...